SYLLABUS 2018-2019-PG

(Re-Accredited by NACC with “ A  ,,Grade  )
Recognized by UGC as ‘’college with potential for excellence’’

 2018-2020 BATCH


UNIT-I      Co-Ordination compounds
UNIT-II     Chemistry Of Non Transition  Elements.                                                            
UNIT-III   Reaction Mechanism In Complexes                                                           
UNIT-IV   Metal Complexes                                                                                           
UNIT-I     Aromaticity                                                                       
UNIT-II     Substitution Reactions                                                                  
UNIT-III   Stereochemistry-1     
UNIT-IV   Reactive Intermediates                                                      
UNIT-I     Quantum Chemistry -I 
UNIT-II   Chemical Dynamics              
UNIT-III  Phase Rule                                                                                  
UNIT-IV  Electrochemistry -I                                                               
UNIT-1    Introduction to Spectroscopy And  SpectroPhotometry                                                                              
UNIT-II   Symmetry And Group Theory                                            
UNIT-III Treatement Of Analytical Data                                   
UNIT-IV  Thermal Methods  and  Radio Analytical methods                                    
 Inorganic Chemistry Lab
Organic Chemistry Lab
Physical Chemistry Lab

UNIT-I   Transition Metal Π –Complexes
UNIT-II  Electronic Spectra Of     Complexes                                            
UNIT-III  Magnetic Properties Of Transition Metal Complexes    
UNIT-IV  Catalysis                                                                                               
UNIT-I    Elimination Reactions & Esterification                            
UNIT-II    Stereochemistry -2                                                               
UNIT-III  Three And Four Membered Heterocycles .                                                             
UNIT-I       Quantum Chemistry-II                                                                    
UNIT-II      surface Chemistry
UNIT-III                                                                                                                                                                                                                            classical  Thermodynamics& Stastistical Thermodynamics
UNIT-1V Electro Chemistry-II

UNIT-I     Bio Inorganic Chemistry
UNIT-II    Bio Organic Chemistry,
UNIT-III  Biophysical chemistry
UNITIV   Antimalarials& Anti Biotics
CHE- 20305
Inorgani  Chemistry Lab
Organic   Chemistry Lab
CHE -20307
Physical  Chemistry Lab

Unit-I       Addition Reaction                                                            
Unit-II     Reagents In Organic Synthesis                                           
Unit-III   Organometallic Reagents                                                 
Unit-IV   Asymmetric Synthesis                                                       
Unit-I      Five Membered Heterocycles
UNIT-II  Benzofused  Five And Six Membered  Heterocyclic Compounds              
UNIT-III Synthetic Polymers                                                                     
Unit-IV  Oxidations And Reductions                
UNIT-I   UltravioletAndVisibleSpectroscopy
UNIT-II  Infrared Spectroscopy                                                        
UNIT-IV  Mass Spectrometry                                                   
UNIT-I    Vitamins And Prostaglandins                             
Unit-II     Enzymes And Enzyme Inhibition                                        
UNIT-III  Drug Discovery And Principles  Of Drug Design          
Unit-IV    Modern Seperation Methods                                                   

UNIT-I     Chemistry Of Organo Boron, Phosphorus, Sulfur And Silicon Reagents       
UNIT-II    Rearrangements                                                                                 
UNIT-III  Newer Methods In Organic Synthesis                                                                                                         
UNIT-IV  Pericyclic Reactions  -1                      

CHE-402 ORGANIC  SYNTHESIS -II                                                                                                                                                                                                      
UNIT–I     Designing   Of  Organicsynthesis-1    
UNIT-II    Designing   Of  Organicsynthesis -2                                                      
UNIT-III   Photochemistry                                                                                                                   
UNIT-IV   Pericyclic Reactions -2                                                                  
UNIT-I       Steriods And Hormones
UNIT-II     Alkaloids   
UNIT-III   Peptides And Proteins                                                        
UNIT-IV   Flavanoids And Isoflavonoids                                                                                                                                                                                                            
UNIT-I      Green Chemistry-I   
UNIT-II    Multistep synthesis
UNIT-III  Nanomaterials                                                                                                                                    
UNIT-IV  Nucleic Acids And Nucleotides

Lab:Spectral Identification  Of Organic Compounds

(Re-Accredited by NACC with “ A  ,,Grade  )
Recognized by UGC as ‘’college with potential for excellence’’
First semester


UNIT-I: Co-Ordination Compounds:                                                                     15 Hrs                                                  
Introduction to crystal field theory, CFSE and its calculations, pairing energy, splitting of d-orbitals in trigonal bi pyramidal,square planar, Square pyramid & pentagonal bi pyramidal geometries. John-Teller effect, Application of CFT, OSSE, Site selection in spinels, short comings of CFT, Evidence for covalency,  Nephelauxetic effect, MOT of co-ordinate bonds, M.O. Diagrams for Octa- hedral, Tetrahedral &, Square planar complexes.
UNIT-II: Chemistry  of  Non-Transition  elements:                                                 15 Hrs
General characteristics of the Non-Transition elements, special features of  individual elements, Synthesis, properties & structure of their halides & Oxides , Polymorphism of Carbon,phosphorous &  sulphur. Synthesis,  properties & structure of Boranes,  Carboranes, Borazines, Silicates, Carbides, Sulphur- Nitrogen compounds.
UNIT-III: Reaction Mechanism in Complexes:                                                              15 Hrs
Reactivity of metal complexes, inert & labile complexes , kinetics & mechanism of substitution reactions, substitution reactions in Octa hedral complexes. Acid hydrolysis-factors effecting acid hydrolysis. Base hydrolysis-Conjugate base mechanism. Anation reactions, substitution reactions in square planar complexes. Trans effect- mechanism of Trans effect, Electron transfer reactions, Inner sphere  & Outer Sphere mechanisms, Marcus Theory.
UNIT-IV: Metal complexes:                                                                                               15 Hrs
a) Metal carbonyls: Preparation of Metal carbonyls of Mn, Fe, Co & Ni –bonding in Carbonyls, EAN, VBT, MOT- Terminal  &  bridging Carbonyls – Synergic interaction & Structure of mono nuclear, bi nuclear, tri nuclear & tetra nuclear carbonyls.
b) Metal nitrosyls: Preparation, bonding and structures of metal nitrosyls-chemistry of linear and bent –nitrosyls-nitrosyls as NO+ and  NOdonors –Analytical  uses of nitrosyl  complexes.
Books Suggested
1.       F.A.Cotton and G.Wilkinson, Advanced In-organic chemistry VI Edition, 1999.John wiley & sons. Inc., New York.
2.       James E. Huheey, Inorganic chemistry- Principles of structure and reactivity, VI Edition 1993. Harper Collins College Publishers, New York.
3.       J.D.Lee: Concise Inorganic Chemistry (Blackwell)
4.       Gary Wolfsburg: Inorganic Chemistry (5th Ed. (Viva Books)
5.       W.L.Jolly: Modern Inorganic Chemistry (McGraw-Hill)
6.       B.N Figgis: Introduction to Ligand Fields (John-Willey)
7.       S.F.A.Kettle: Coordination compounds.
8.       Coordination Chemistry. Bassalo & Jahnson.
9.       Inorganic Chemistry Text Book By Madan,Malik,Tuli(Mmt) John Wiley

UNIT-I: AROMATICITY                                                                                    15 Hrs
Huckle’s rule and the concept of aromaticity,  Aromaticity in benzenoid and non benzenoid Compounds, Alternant and Non-alternant hydrocarbons, Metallocenes- Ferrocene, Azulenes, Annulenes, Fulvenes. Anti-aromaticity,  Pseudo-aromaticity, Homo-aromaticity.
 UNIT-II: SUBSTITUTION REACTIONS                                                      15 Hrs
i. Aliphatic Nucleophilic Substitutions: The SN2, SN1, mixed SN1 and SN2, SET Mechanism,  The Neighboring Group mechanism, Neighboring Group participation by π and σ bonds, Anchimeric assistance, Classical and Non classical carbocations, Phenonium ions, Norbornyl system, common carbocations, Rearrangements-Primary, Secondary and Tertiary.
The SN1 mechanism: Nucleophilic substitution at an allylic, aliphatic triagonal and vinylic carbons. Reactivity-Effects of substrate, attacking nucleophile, Leaving group reaction medium.
ii. Aromatic Nucleophilic Substituion: The SAr, SN1, Benzyne and SRN1 mechanisms, Reactivity-Effect of substrate structure, Leaving group and attacking nucleophile. The von Ritcher,  Sommelet-Hauser and Smiles rearrangements.
UNIT-III STEREOCHEMISTRY-1                                                                    15 Hrs                         
Molecular representation of organic molecules: Wedge, Fisher, Newman and Sawhorse formula, their description and  interconversion.
Optical isomerism: Molecular Symmetry and Chirality - stereoisomers - classification-configuration- R,S-Nomenclature – Axial chirality - stereochemistry of allenes, spiranes, Atropisomerism - biphenyl derivatives, Planar chirality - Ansa compounds, trans-cycloalkanes, Helicity.                                                                          
UNIT-IV: REACTIVE INTERMEDIATES                                                        15Hrs
Type of reactions and mechanisms, Thermodynamic and Kinetic requirements, Kinetic and Thermodynamic control, Potential energy diagrams, Transition states and intermediates, Methods of determining mechanisms, isotope effects.  Generation, structure, stability and reactivity of Carbocations,  Carbanions,  Free radicals,  Carbenes,  Nitrenes  and  Arynes.
Books Suggested:
1. Advanced Organic Chemistry-Reactions, Mechanism and Structure, Jerry March, John  Wiley.
2. Advanced Organic Chemistry, F.A. Carey and R.J Sundberg, Plenum.
3. A Guide Book to Mechanism in Organic Chemistry, Peter Sykes, Longman.
4. Structure and Mechanism in Organic Chemistry C.K. Inglod, Cornell University Press. 
5. Organic Chemistry, R.T Morrison and R.N. Boyd, Prentice - Hall.
6. Modern Organic Reactions, H.O. House, Benjamin.
7. Principles of Organic Synthesis, R.O.C Norman and J.M.Coxon, Blackie Academic &
8. Reaction Mechanism in Organic Chemistry, P.S. Kalsi, New Age International
9. Text book of Organic Chemistry, M.C. Murry.
10. Advanced Organic Chemistry: Reactions and mechanisms, Bernord Miller.
11. Advanced Organic Chemistry, F.A. Carey and R.J Sundberg, Plenum.
                                          CHE- 10303-PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY
 UNIT-I:  QUANTUM CHEMISTRY-I                                                                15Hrs                                 
 a) Introduction to Exact Quantum Mechanical Results: Operator algebra . Eigen values and   Eigen functions. Operators  for momentum and energy. The derivation of schrodingers equation and the postulates of Quantum mechanics. Discussion of solution of the schrodingers equation to some model systems, viz.,  particle  in a box, harmonic oscillator, rigid rotar, hydrogen atom.
 b)Approximate Methods: The variation theorem, linear variation principle, perturbation     theory (first order and non degenerate),Application of variation method a perturbation theory to the helium atom.
UNIT-II:  CHEMICAL DYNAMICS                                                                  15Hrs                                   
Methods of determining Rate laws, collision  theory of reaction  rates,steric factor,   Activated   complex    theory. Treatment of unimolecular reactions-Lindemann, Lindemann-Hinshelwood-Elementary treatment of  RRKM theory. Rate -expression hydrogen –bromine reaction,pyrolysis of acetaldehyde, decomposition of  ethane,  photo chemical reactions-hydrogen,bromine, hydrogen-chlorine  reactions .Autocatalysis - hydrogen- oxygen   reaction,   explosion limits.
UNIT-III :  PHASE RULE                                                                                        15Hrs                                         Thermodynamic  derivation of  phase rule, solid –liquid  equilibria,  thermal  analysis,   simple eutectic, congruent fusion, incongruent fusion and systems consisting of both. Application of    phase rule to three component  system, stokes and roozeboom plots. Three component   liquid system-formation of   one pair, two pairs and three  pairs of partially miscible  liquids: Two salts and water-no chemical combination: double salt formation,  one   salt   forms hydrate and two salts form hydrates.

UNIT-IV:   ELECTROCHEMISTRY -I                                                                    15Hrs                                                                                                                                                
a) Strong Electrolytes: Effect of dilution on equivalent conductance-inter ionic attraction, Debye-Huckel-Onsagar treatement, derivation of   Debye –Huckel    Onsagar   equation.  verification and  limitation of   Onsagar equation, Debye- Falkenhagen and  Wien effects.
b) Activity and activity coefficients: Relation between different types of activity coefficients, Determination of mean ionic activity coefficients by solubility  and  EMF methods. Debye Huckel Limiting law and its verification.
 c)  Reversible electrochemicalcells: Thermodynamics of  electrochemical cells .concentration cells with and without transference-liquid junction potentials, General equation for liquid junction potential.
d) Electro catalysis: Influence of various parameters
Books Suggested
1.physical chemistry, P. W. Atkins (ELBS)
2.Introduction to quantum chemistry, A. K. Chandra (Tata McGraw Hill)
3.Quantum Chemistry, Ira N. Levine (Prentice Hall)
4.Atomic Structure and Chemical bond, Manas Chandra.
5.Chemical Kinetics, K.J. Laidler (Mc Graw Hill)
6.Kinetics and Mechanism of Chemical Transformations, J. Rajaraman and J. Kuriacose (Mcmilan)
7.Thermodynamics for chemists, S. Glasstone
8.Chemical thermodynamics, I.M. Klotz
9.Statistical Thermodynamics, M. Dole
10.Modern Electrochemistry, Vol. I & II, J.O. M.Bockris and A.K.N.Reddy (plen
11.An Introduction to Electrochemistry (3rd  ed.), S. Glasstone (Affiliated East-West)


Spectroscopic principles:  Electromagnetic radiation and its interaction with matter –
Absorption and Emission. Quantization of energy –Regions of the electromagnetic spectrum and the mode of interactions with molecules. Representation of spectra .
Basic components of a spectrometer .Signal to noise ratio. Factors influencing the intensity and width of spectral lines.
UV& Visible spectroscopy: The Franck Condon principle. Types of electronic transitions in molecules chromophores and oxo chromes, Chemical analysis by
electronic spectroscopy- Beer- Lambert ‘s law. Deviations from Beer’s law .Quantitative
determination of metal ions (Mn+2, Fe+2) Simultaneous determination of Chromium and Manganese in a mixture.
UNIT-II: SYMMETRY AND GROUP THEORY                                 15Hrs                                       
symmetry  elements  and symmetry  operation, Definitions  of a group, sub group, Relationbetween
 orders of a finite group and its sub group- conjugacy Relation and classes- point symmetry group, schonflies  symbols  - Representation of  groups by matrices     (representation for Cn, Cnv,  Dnh,  etc groups  to be worked out explicitly), character of representation. the great orthogonality  theorem  (with out proof) - character tables and their  use in spectroscopy.
 UNIT-III;  TREATEMENT OF ANALYTICAL DATA                         15Hrs
Precision  and  accuracy, mean and median  values - standard  deviation  -    Types   of  errors:   Determinate, indeterminate  and Gross errors, sources of error, statistical evaluation of data-rejection of measurements rules  for  retention of significant  figures, significances of   testing-students  t-test , f-test , Linear regression, test for linearity, calibration of weights, volumetric  glassware.
Thermal Methods
Thermo garaviemetry –Principle, Factors affecting the results, instrumentation. Application with special reference to CuSO45H2O, CaC2O2H2O. Different thermal analysis – principle, instrumentation, difference between TG and DTA,    applications with special reference to the clays and minerals.
Different scanning calorimetry –principle, and applications to inorganic materials like chlorates and perchlorates, ammonium nitrate.

Radioanalytical Methods: Definition and measurement of radioactivity. Devices  G.M counter
 and scintillation counter. Radio active tracers.  Typical applications of radioisotopes as tracers.
Principle and applications of Isotope dilution technique and Activation analysis.
      Books Suggested
1)       Vogel’s Text book of Quantitative Inorganic Analysis
2)       H.W.Willard, LL.Merritt and J.A.Dean: Instrumental Methods of Analysis
3)       F.A.Cotton,Intrduction to Group Theory and Symmetry in chemistry
4)       George Davidson Elsevier,Introductory Group Theory for. Chemists.
5)       Gurudeepraj,Ajay Bhagi&vinod jain; Group Theory
6)       H.W.Willard.ii.Merrit and  J.A.Dean;Instrumental Methods of Analysis(Affiliated east-west)
7)       D.a.Skoog and D.M.West;principles of instrumental analysis.
8)       J.D.Dick;Analytical chemistry.(Mc Graw Hill)
9)       Instrumental Methods of Analysis H.Kaur


UNIT-I: TRANSITION METAL Π –COMPLEXES                                                             15Hrs
Transition metal π – complexes with unsaturated organic molecules – alkenes, alkynes, diene, dienyl and Cyclopentadienyl complexes and  arene complexes-general methods of preparation, properties, nature of bonding and structural features – Important reactions relating to Nucleophilic and Electrophilic attack on ligands and to organic synthesis
UNIT-II: ELECTRONIC SPECTRA OF COMPLEXES                                                      15Hrs
Frank-condon principle - Russel saunders coupling  - spectroscopic  term symbols-selection rules - break down of selection rules- orgel Diagrams for d1 to d9  configurations in octahedral   and  tetrahedral  fields.Tanabe  - sugano diagrams of  d2 to  d–spectra of octahedral and tetrahedral  complexes of  metal ions of  d1 to  d 9 configurations- calculation of  Dq and B1 parameters-charge transfer  spectra,. Differences between ligand field spectra and charge transfer spectra.
Diamagnetism and paramagnetism-orbital and spin contributions, spin-orbit coupling, Hunds third rule and Energies of J levels – Curie law and Curie – Weiss law- Ferromagnetism and antiferromagnetism – Temperature independent magnetism Magnetic susceptibility and its determination by Gouy’s and Faraday methods.
Calculation of magnetic moment from magnetic susceptibility, spin-only formula, Orbital contribution to magnetic moment (Oh and Td Complexes) –Paramagnetism and crystalline fields – Ti (III), V (III), VO2+, Cr (III), Mn (II), Fe (III), Co(II), Ni (II) and Cu (II). Magnetic Exchange in copper acetate and other dimmers – spin cross over in complexes  .
UNIT-IV:  CATALYSIS                                                                                                                15Hrs
Homogeneous  catalysis, Metal ion catalysed  reactions  - Redox potentials and  processes -  Mechanism of  redox  processes involving ligands- factors affecting redox potentials -other  types of metal  catalysed reactions-Reactions involving  Ag(I), CU(II),  and  OS(VIII)-Reactions of oxyanions -  Factors affecting rate( General discussion only)-induced reactions- Free radical reactions-Thermal Decomposition of peroxy disulphate- Fe(III)-S208 reactions- chain reactions-HBr reactions,H2O2-S2Oreactions.
Books Suggested
1.      Inorganic Chemistry principles of Structure and Reactivity 6th Edition. James E. Huheey.
2.      Organometallic Chemistry: R.C.Mehrotra and Singh.
3.      R. S. Drago: Structural methods in Inorganic Chemistry.
4.      H. H. Willard, L. L. Merritt, Jr., J. A. Dean and F. A. Settle, Jr.: Instrumental Methods of Analysis (CBS Publishers).
5.      R. L. Carlin: Magnetic Chemistry.R. L. Datta and A. Syamal: Elements of Magnetic Chemistry.

i. Elimination reactions: Types of elimination reactions, mechanisms, stereochemistry and Orientation,  Hofmann and Saytzeff rules,synelimination versus anti-elimination, competition between eliminationandsubstitution,Factors influencing elimination and substitution reactions, dehydration, dehydrogenation, dehalogenation, decarboxylative elimination, pyrolytic elimination, molecular rearrangement during elimination, Fragmentation reactions.
ii. Esterification and hydrolysis:mechanism of  hydrolysis of esters,amides and acyl halides, Esterification of acids and trans esterification. 
UNIT-II: STEREOCHEMISTRY-2                                                                                            15Hrs
Geometrical isomerism: E,Z-Nomenclature, Physical and Chemical methods of determining the configuration of geometrical isomers, stereoisomerism in cyclic compounds. 
Conformational analysis; conformation of acyclic molecules – alkanes ,substituted  alkanes-compounds  having intramolecular hydrogen bonding.-ethylene glycol,butane 2,3 diol,amino alchohols,halohydrin.
Conformations of cyclohexane-mono and di substituted cyclohexanes ,cyclohexenes and cycohexanone.stereochemistry  of  decalins and decalones, ,effect of  conformation on reactivity.
Conformational effects on stability and reactivity of cyclic and acyclic molecules,steric and stereo electronic factors –examples involving  E2, NGP,intra molecular rearrangements and syn eliminations,curtin-hammett principle.
UNIT-III: Three And Four Membered Heterocycles                             15Hrs
Nomenclature of Heterocycles: Replacement and systematic nomenclature (Hantzsch-Widman) for monocyclic compounds (Three and four membered rings).
ThreeandFourmemberedheterocycles,;Synthesisandreactionsofaziridines,oxiranes,thiirane,azetidines,Oxetanes and thietanes.
UNIT-IV: TERPENOIDS                                                                                   15Hrs                
Definition,general methods of isolation, isoprene rule, special isoprene rule and classification based on isoprene rule, structure elucidation, stereochemistry, biosynthesis and synthesis of the following representative molecules;Farnesol, Zingiberene, Cadinene andAbieticacid.
Books Suggested:
1. Stereochemistry to Organic Compounds, E.L. Eliel and others, John Wiley.
2. Stereochemistry to Organic Compounds, D. Nasipuri, New Age International.
3. Stereochemistry, P.S. Kalsi, Wiley Eastern.
4.  Reaction Mechanism in Organic Chemistry, P.S. Kalsi, New Age International.
5. Advanced Organic Chemistry-Reactions, Mechanism and Structure, Jerry March, John Wiley.
6. Advanced Organic Chemistry, F.A. Carey and R.J Sundberg, Plenum.
7. Principles of Organic Synthesis, R.O.C Norman and J. M. Coxon, Blackie Academic &
8. Guide book to Organic synthesis, Michael B Smith, ELBS.
9. Heterocyclic chemistry Vol. 1-3, R.R. Gupta, M. Kumar and V. Gupta, Springer  Verlag.
10. Heterocyclic Chemistry, J.A. Joule, K. Mills and G.F. Smith, Chapman and Hall.
11. Heterocyclic Chemistry, T.L. Gilchrist, Longman Scientific Technical.
12. Contemporary Heterocyclic Chemistry, G.R. Newkome and W.W. Paudler,
      Wiley- Inter Science.
13. New Trends in Natural Products Chemistry, Atta-ur-Rahman and M.I.
      Choudhary, Harwood Academic Publisher.
14. Chemistry of Organic Natural Products, O.P. Agrawal, Vols., 1 & 2, Goel


UNIT-I: QUANTUM CHEMISTRY-II                                                                                                       15Hrs
Angular momentum- Generalised Angular momentum- Eigen functions and Eigen values of angular momentum, operator using ladder operators, addition of angular momentum spin, anti symmetry and Pauli exclusion principle, Slater determinant.
Electronic structure of Atoms:   Russel –sanders  coupling,term. Symbols, term separation energies of pn and  dconfigurations ,magnetic effects: spin orbit coupling  and  zeeman  splitting- introduction  to the methods of self-consistent field.
Molecular orbital theory:  Huckel   theory of  conjugated systems, bond order  and  charge  density  caliculations, application to ethylene and cyclobutadiene.
UNIT-II                                                                                                                                                            15Hrs
Surface chemistry :  Surface tension, capillary action, pressure difference across curved surface,(Laplace equation), vapour pressure of droplets (Kelvin equation),Gibbs adsorption isotherm, BET  adsorption isotherm, estimation of surface area  (BETequation),  surface films on liquids, concepts of  electric double layer model - Helmholtz,perrin ,Guoy- chapman and stern models(no derivation)
Micells:  Surface active agents,  classification  of  surface  active agents,  micellisation,  hydrophobic    interaction, critical micellar concentration (CMC), factors affecting the CMC of Surfactants, thermodynamics of  micellisation,  reverse micelles.
UNIT-III                                                                                                                                15Hrs                                                                                  Classical Thermodynamics: Fugacity and its determination, partial molar properties, chemical potential, Derivation of Gibbs- Duhams equation. significance of partial molar properties, Determination of partial molar volume.  
Statistical Thermodynamics: concept of  distribution, thermodynamic probability and most probable Distribution-Ensemble  averaging , postulates of  Ensemble  averaging,   -  canonical,  grand  canonical, and  micro - canonical ensembles, partition functions- translational , rotational, vibrational  and electronic partition functions, caliculation of  thermodynamic  properties in terms of partion functions – Heat  capacity,  chemical equilibria  and equilibrium constant in terms of partition functions Entropy of  Mono atomic Gases (Sackur-Tetrade equation).
UNIT-IV: ELECTRO CHEMISTRY-II                                                                                               15Hrs Irreversible  electrode  phenomenon ;  Reversibility  and  irreversibility ,  Dissolution  and  deposition  potentials, Decomposition voltage, over voltage, diffusion over  voltage, charge  transfer  over voltage, reaction over voltage. concentration over voltage, hydrogen and oxygen over voltages, Taefel  plots, Exchange current density and transfer  coefficient, Butler- volmer equation for one electron transfer processes.
Polarography: Theory of polarography, diffusion current,ilkovic equation for half wave potentials for reversible system when oxidant alone, reductant  alone and both are present.
Books Suggested
1.      P.W. Atkins: Physical Chemistry (ELBS).
2.      A.K. Chandra: Introduction to quantum Chemistry (Tata Mc Graw Hill).
3.      Ira N. Levine: Quantum Chemistry (Prentice Hall).
4.      R. Mcweeny: Coulson’s Valence (ELBS).
5.      J.O.M. Bockris and A.K.N. Reddy, Modern Electrochemistry,vol.I & II (Plenum).
6.      S. Glasstone; An Introduction to Electrochemistry (3rd ed.)(Affiliated East-West).
7.      V. Moroi: Micelles, theoretical and applied aspects (Plenum).
8.      S. Glasstone: A text Book of physical Chemistry (2nd Ed.) (Macmilan).
9.      Maron and prutton: principles of physical Chemistry.
10.  Silbey, Alberty, Bawendi. Physical Chemistry.Jhon-Wiley & Sons. 4th edition-2006.
11.  V.S. Bagotsky. Fundamental of Electrochemistry. Jhon Wiley & sons. 2nd editions-2006.
12.  Jack Simons. An Introduction to theoretical chemistry. The press Syndicate of the University of Cambridge.
13.  D.N. Bajpai: Advanced physical Chemistry: S. Chand & Company, 1998.


UNIT-I:BIOINORGANICCHEMISTRY:                                                                   15Hrs                                                                     
Metal ion transport and storage in biological system, metal ions in biology, molecular mechanism of ion  transport across  membrane,  ionophores, photosynthesis.
Hydrolytic metallo enzymes: carbonic  anhydrase,  carboxy  peptidase, calcium in control process, calcium and muscle construction, calcium and secretion, calcium in blood clotting mechanism, Therapitic uses of enzymes.
Importance of trace metals in biology: metal ions as chelating agents in medicine, trace metal ions, metal and nonmetal deficiency. metal chelates as anti microbial agent, metal complexes as anti tumour agents.
UNIT-II:BIO ORGANICCHEMISTRY:                                                                       15Hrs                                                                            
a)Carbohydrates and lipid: Structure and biological functions  Of  mucopolysacharides,  glycoproteins and glycol lipids, role of sugars in biological recognition, blood group substances .
b)Fatty acids: Essential fatty acids-structure and function of triglycerol, glycerophospho lipids, cholesterol, bile acids, prostaglandins-composition and functioning of lipoproteins. properties of lipids. Aggregates- liposomes  and their biological functions.
UNIT-III : BIO PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY                                                                  15Hrs                               
Standard free energy change in biochemical reactions, exergonic and endergonic reactions, hydrolysis of ATP, thermodynamics of biopolymer solutions ,chain configuration of bio polymers, statistical distribution of end to end dimensions, caliculation of average dimensions, Membrane equilibrium, Ion transport through cell membrane. Structure and functions of proteins, enzymes DNA and RNA in living systems, forces in biopolymer interactions, electrostatic  forces, hydrophobic forces, molecular expansion.
UNIT-IV:   ANTIMALARIALS   AND  ANTI BIOTICS                                             15Hrs
Chemotherapy: Structure activity relationship
Antimalarials: synthesis and activity of   quinolene groups-quinine,  plasmoquine and  chloroquin- acridine group- quinacrine- guanidine group- paulidrine.
Antbiotics:  synthesis  and  activity of  pencillin, chloramphenicol  and streptomycin  -  broad spectrum antibiotics- tetracyclines. novabiocin.
Books Suggested 
1.A.L.lehniger;Principles of Biochemistry(Worth)
3.J.David Rawn.Neil atterson;Biochemistry.d
4.Voet and Voet;Bio chemistry(JOHN wiley)
5.E.F.Conn and P.K.stuph; outlines of Biochemistry(JOHN wiley)
 6.I.R. FINAR  VOl 1&11
7.Williams;An introduction of Bio INORGANIC CHEMISTRY.
8.Bio Physics by Narayanam
9.W.Cham.L.Jooly Modern  Inorganic chemistry.
10.Burger; Medicinal chemistry.
11A.Kar; Medicinal chemistry
12.W.O.Foye;Principles of Medicinal chemistry
13.Bio physical chemistry by Van Holde
14.A Text book of Biochemistry , A.V.S.S.Rama Rao
15.M.N. Hughes, The Inorganic chemistry of Biological Processes, John wiley and Sons,   New York 2nd Edition, 1981.


UNIT-I:ADDITION REACTION                                                                                15Hrs
i. Addition to carbon - carbon multiple  bonds: Mechanistic and stereo chemical aspects of addition reactions involving  electrophiles, nucleophiles and free radicals, regio and chemoselectivity,Orientation and reactivity – Addition  to cyclopropane ring, Hydrogenation of double and triple bonds, Hydrogenation of aromatic rings,  Hydroboration, Michael reaction,  Sharpless asymmetric epoxidation.
ii. Addition to carbon-hetero multiple bonds: Steric course of addition reactions  to C=O and C=N, Cram’s rule, Aldol  condensation, Claisen - Schmidt, Cannizzaro,  Knoevenagel condensation, Perkin, Stobbe  condensation, Mannich, Benzoin, Grignard,Wittig, Claisen-Ester condensation and Dieckmann reaction. Hydrolysis of Carbon-Nitrogen double bonds, Isocyanates and Isothiocyanates
UNIT-II: REAGENTS IN ORGANIC SYNTHESIS                                                              15Hrs
Use of the following reagents in organic synthesis; Anhydrous AlCl3,  Borontrifuoride (BF3), N-Bromosuccinimide, Diazomethane, Dicyclohexyl carbodimide, Lead tetraacetate ,Ziegler - Nattacatalyst,DDQ,Dithianes,Merrifieldresin. 

UNIT-III:  ORGANOMETALLICREAGENTS                                                                     15Hrs
Synthesis and application of Grignard reagents, Organo Lithium, Zinc, Copper, Mercury, Cadmium, Palladium, Rhodium and Nickel compounds in organic synthesis, Homogeneous catalyticalReactions,Hydrogenation,Hydroformylation.
UNIT-IV: ASYMMETRIC SYNTHESIS                                                                                  15Hrs
Topicity,  Prochirality,  Pro stereoisomerism-Substrate Selectivity, Diastereo selectivity.
i. Substrate controlled methods: Use of chiral substrates examples.
ii. Auxiliary Controlled Methods: Use of chiral auxiliaries- chiral enolates, Alkylation of chiral imines- Asymmetric Diels-Alder reaction.
iii. Reagents Controlled Methods: Use of chiral reagents- Asymmetric oxidation- Sharpless epoxidation, Asymmetric reduction- Use of lithium Aluminium hydride and boron reagents. 

Books Suggested
1.  Advanced Organic Chemistry-Reactions, Mechanism and Structure, Jerry March,    John
2. Wiley. Advanced Organic Chemistry, F.A. Carey and R.J Sundberg, Plenum.
3. A Guide Book to Mechanism in Organic Chemistry, Peter Sykes, Longman. .
4. Principles of Organic Synthesis, R.O.C Norman and J.M Coxon, Blackie Academic & Professional.
5. Reaction Mechanism in Organic Chemistry, P.S. Kalsi, New Age International.
6. Principles of organometallic chemistry, P. Powell, ELBS.
7. Organo transition metal chemistry-Applications to organic synthesis, S.G. Davis, Pergmon.
8.Principles of organometallic chemistry, P. Powell, ELBS.
9.Name reactions and reagents in organic synthesis, B.P. Muway and M.G Ellord, John Wiley.
10. Stereochemistry, P.S.Kalsi, Wiley Eastern.


UNIT-I:   FIVE MEMBERED HETEROCYCLES                                         15Hrs                                                                       
Replacement and  Hantzsch-Widman nomenclature of  five membered,  six membered and  fused  heterocycles .
Synthesis and reactions of Pyrazole, Imidazole, Oxazole,Thiazole, Isoxazole  and  Isothiazole. 
UNIT-II:  Benzofused  Five and Six Membered  Heterocyclic Compounds             15Hrs                                  
Fused five membered  Heterocycles:  Synthesis and  reactions, including medicinal applications of   Benzofuran,  Benzothiophene,  Benzopyrazole,  Benzimidazole and  Benzoxazole.
Six membered Heterocyles: With one Heteroatom Synthesis and reactions of Pyridine and pyrrolium salts.
With two Heteroatoms: Synthesis and reactions of  Diazenes - Pyrimidine, Pyridazine and Pyrazine.  
UNIT-III: SYNTHETIC POLYMERS                                                                            15Hrs
Polymer Reactions-Addition and condensation polymerization processes- Bulk, Solution, Suspension and Emulsion polymerization.
Stereospecific Polymers-  Preparation  and  significance - classification of  polymers based on physical properties-Thermoplastics-Thermosetting plastics-Fibers and elastomers- General applications.
Preparation of Polymers- Preparation of  Polymers based on different types of  monomers Industrial applications-olefin polymers-Diene polymers-nylons- Glyptal resins-Urea-formaldehyde, phenol-formaldehyde and melamine resins-Epoxy resins-Ion exchange resins.
UNIT-IV: OXIDATIONS AND REDUCTIONS                                                       15Hrs                                                                      
A. Oxidations:
i. Alchols to Carbonyl compounds- Chromium(VI) oxidants, Dimethyl sulfoxide  oxidation, Periodate oxidation, Oppenauer oxidation, oxidation with Manganese  dioxide, oxidation with Silver carbonate.
ii. Akenes to epoxides- Peroxide induced epoxidations.
iii. Alkenes to diols- oxidation with potassium permanganate, Osmium  tetraoxide,  prevost reaction.
iv. Ketones to esters-Baeyer-Villiger oxidation.
v. Oxidative bond cleavage of alkenes by transition metals.
vi. Oxidation of alkyl or  akenyl  fragments- Selenium dioxide and chromium  trioxide     oxidations. 

B. Reduction:
Reduction  with Lithium  Aluminium  hydride, Sodium  borohydride -  bis-methoxy  ethoxy aluminium hydride,  Di isobutyl aluminium hydride.  Catalytic hydrogenation - dissolving metal reduction, Non metallic  reducing agents including enzymatic and microbial reduction. 
Books Suggested
1. polymerchemistry-G.S.Mishra.
2. A.Text book of polymerscience.Bill mayer
3. polymerchemistry-gowrikar
4.Principles of Organic Synthesis, R.O.C Norman and J.M Coxon, Blackie Academic & Professional.
5.Heterocyclic Chemistry, T.L. Gilchrist, Longman Scientific Technical.
6.Contemporary Heterocyclic Chemistry, G.R. Newkome and W.W.  Wiley- Inter Science.
7. New Trends in Natural Products Chemistry, Atta-ur-Rahman and M.I.Choudhary,   Harwo  Acaemic   Publisher.
8.Heterocyclic chemistry Vol. 1-3, R.R. Gupta, M.Kumar and V. Gupta, Springer Verlag.
9.The Chemistry of Heterocycles, T. Eicher and S. Hauptmann, Thieme.
10.Heterocyclic Chemistry, J.A. Joule, K. Mills and G.F. Smith, Chapman and Hall.
11.An Introduction to the Heterocyclic Compounds, R.M. Acheson, Jonn Wiley.
12.Comprehensive Heterocyclic Chemistry, A.R. Katritzky and C.W. Rees, eds. Pergamon Press.
13.Organic Chemistry, Vol. 2, I. L. Finar, ELBS.

  UNIT-I                                                                                                                                                 15 Hrs
A. Ultraviolet  and Visible SpectroscopyVarious electronic transitions (185-800 nm), effect of solvent on electronic transitions, ultraviolet  bands for carbonyl compounds, unsaturated carbonyl compounds, dienes, conjugatedpolyene , Fieser-Woodward rules for conjugated dienes and carbonyl compounds, ultraviolet spectra of aromatic  and heterocyclic compounds. Sterric  effect in biphenyls.
B.ORD:  α-Axial  halo ketone rule and octant rule - Application of these rules in the determination of absolute configuration of cyclohexanones, decalones and cholestanones.
C. Circular Dichroism  Principle - positive and negative cotton effects - Absolute configuration
 UNIT-II: INFRARED SPECTROSCOPY                                                              15 Hrs
Instrumentation  and sample handling.  Characteristic   vibrational frequencies of alkanes, alkenes,  alkynes, aromatic compounds, alcohols, ethers, phenols and amines. Detailed  study of vibrational frequencies of carbonyl compounds (ketones, aldehydes, esters, amides, acids, anhydrides, lactones,   lactams  and  conjugated  carbonyl compounds).  Effect  of  hydrogen bonding and solvent effect on vibrational frequencies, overtones, combination            bands   and Fermi resonance,         FT-IR.
UNIT-III:  NMR                                                                                                         15 Hrs
 A. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (1H NMR):  Nuclear spin,   nuclear resonance, Saturation, shielding of magnetic nuclei, chemical  shifts and its measurements, factors influencing chemical shift,  de shielding, spin-spin interactions, factors influencing coupling constants ‘J’, classification (ABX, AMX, ABC, A2B2 etc.), spin decoupling, basic ideas about   instrument, FT-NMR, advantages of FT-NMR.
B. Applications of 1H NMR: Shielding mechanism, measurement of chemical shift values and correlation for protons bonded to carbon (aliphatic, olefinic, aldehydes and aromatic) and other nuclei (alcohols, phenols, enols, carboxylic acids, amines and amides) chemical exchange, effect of  deuteration, complex spin- spin interaction between two, three, four and five nuclei  (first order spectra), virtual coupling, stereochemistry, hindered rotation. Karplus curve variation of coupling constant with dihedral angle, simplification of complex spectra, Nuclear Magnetic Double Resonance, contact shift reagents, Nuclear Over Houser effect (NOE). 
C. 13C NMR Spectroscopy: General considerations, chemical shift (aliphatic olefinic,  alkyne, aromatic, hetero aromatic and carbonyl carbon), coupling constants, Two  dimentional  NMR spectroscopy-  COSY, NOESY,  DEPT HSQC            HMBC.
UNIT-IV: MASS SPECTROMETRY                                                                          15 Hrs
 Introduction, ion production, type of ionization, EI, CI,  FD and FAB affecting fragmentation,  ion analysis, ion abundance, mass spectral fragmentation of organic compounds, common functional groups, molecular ion peak, metastable peak, Mc-Lafferty rearrangement, nitrogen rule, isotope labeling, High Resolution Mass Spectrometry, examples of mass spectral fragmentation of organic compounds with respect to their structure determination.
Books Suggested
1.         Organic spectroscopy, W. Kemp 5th Ed, ELBS
2.         Spectroscopy of organic compounds, RM Silversteen and others, 5th Ed,John Wiley
3.         Spectroscopy of organic compounds, P.S. Kalsi, Wiley, 1993.
4.         NMR in chemistry-A multi nuclear introduction, William Kemp, Mc Millan, 1986.
5.         Spectroscopic methods in Organic chemistry, DH Williams & I Flemmi, TMH. 2005.
UNIT-I: VITAMINS AND PROSTAGLANDINS                                                                   15 Hrs
Vitamins:  Structure, synthesis  and  importance of vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B6, vitamin B12 (synthesis not expected), vitamin E and vitamin K.
Prostaglandins: Nomenclature, Classification, Synthesis, Biosynthesis and mode of action of PGE1, PGE2, PGE3 (Primary prostaglandins)           
Stereochemical structures, Biosynthesis and mode of action of PGF1, PGF2, PGD1, PGD2, PGD3,ThromboxaneA2,Prostacyclin(synthesis notexpected).
UNIT-II: ENZYMES AND ENZYME INHIBITION                                                            15 Hrs
Definition,  History, and Classification of Enzymes - Enzyme inhibition – Kinetic Theories of enzyme inhibition- Stereoselectivity in enzyme catalyzed reactions - Factors affecting enzyme catalyzed reactions - Enzyme inhibition as a tool for drug development.
i) Reversible inhibition  (Foliate synthetase -  Methotrexate,  PG synthetase – Aspirin.
ii) Irreversible inhibition- DHF reductase - Sulphonamides,  Acetylcholine esterase -Parathion). Immobilized enzymes: Design and construction of novel enzymes. 

UNIT-III: DRUG DISCOVERY AND PRINCIPLES  OF DRUG DESIGN:-            15 Hrs                                             
Introduction to drug discovery, folklore drugs, Natural products as lead structures in drug discovery, structure pruning technique in modifications (e.g.morphin) serendipitious discovery of leads (e.g.pencillin). Drug targets and receptor theory . Agonists, Antagonists and enzyme inhibitors. Discovery of lead structure from natural harmones and  neuro transimitters. existing drugs has leads  (me to  drugs). principles of designing in  agonists   (e.g.salbutamoul), antagonists  (e.g.cimitidine) and enzyme inhibitors (e.g.captopril), principles of  prodrug design.
UNIT-IVMODERN SEPERATION METHODS:                                                                     15Hrs
GAS LIQUID CHROMATOGRAPHY:  Gas liquid  chromatography  instrumentation, ( columns and detectors), retention time, and retention volume. chromatographic behavior of solutes, column efficiency and resolution. column  process and band broadening, time of analysis and resolution. quantitative   determinations. Vandeemter  equation.
HIGH PERFORMANCE   LIQUID CHROMATOGRAPHY: Theory  and instrumentation-column performance, gradient elution delivery system, sample  introduction, separation, column detectors.
Books Suggested
1.I.R.FINAR; A.Text book of organic chemistry.  Vol &11
2.Burger Medicinal chemistry.
3.A. Kar  Medicinal chemistry
4.W.O.FOYE;Principles of Medicinal chemistry.
5.Wilson,Gijvold &Dorque text book of organic and medicinal and pharmaceutical chemistry
6.A.MITRA;synthesis of prostaglandins.
7.WOGNER;vitamins and coenzymes.
8.WILLIAM;Introduction to the chemistry of enzyme action.
9. C.J.GRAY;Enzyme catalysed reactions.
10 .H.H.WILLARD,L.L.Merrit,jr,J.A.Dean and F.A.Settle,jr;Instrumental methods Analysis (CBS publishers).
11. ANALYTICAL Chemistry,SKOOG,WEST,HOLAR,7 th edition.
12.Instrumental methods of chemical analysis,G.E.EVING ,5th edition.
13.  Instrumental methods of chemical analysis ,Willard, merit,Dean,stella jr 6th edition.
14.Instrumental methods of chemical analysis.

UNIT-I: CHEMISTRY OF ORGANO BORON, PHOSPHORUS, SULFUR AND SILICON REAGENTS                                                                                              15 Hrs                                                                                                                                                                              
Electronic structure and bonding in boron, Phosphorus, sulphur and silicon compounds - Their reactivity and applications in Organic Synthesis.
Boron Reagents: Hydroboration, Oxidation, Isomerization of organoboranes, Carbonylation of organo boranes – primary, secondary, tertiary alcohols, carbonyl compounds – Reaction of organo boranes with diazoester, α-halo ketones, α-halo esters – Synthesis of alkenes - Free radical reactions of organo boranes.
Phosphorus Reagents: Formation of carbon-carbon double bonds - functional group transformations – deoxygenation  reactions - reactivity as electrophiles and nucleophiles - reactions of quaternary  phosphonium compounds.
Sulphur Reagents: Sulphur ylides, stabilized and non-stabilized - Preparation and reactivity - sulphonyl carbanions.
Silicon Reagents: Peterson’s olefination, influence of trialkyl silyl reagents in electrophilic reactions,reactivity of aryl silanes,alkenyl silanes,allyl silanes.
UNIT-II: REARRANGEMENTS                                                                            15 Hrs                                                                              
Rearrangements involving electron deficient carbon: Pinacol-Pinacolone rearrangement, Wagner-Meerwein rearrangement, Demjanov rearangement, Dienone-Phenol  rearrangement, Wolff rearrangement.
Rearrangements involving electron deficient nitrogen: Beckmann rearrangement, Hofmann rearrangement, Curtius  rearrangement, Schmidt rearrangement, Lossen  rearrangement.
Rearrangements involving electron deficient oxygen: Baeyer-Villiger rearrangement, Dakins rearrangement, Benzilic acid rearrangement, Favorskii rearrangement, Neber rearrangement.
Aromatic rearrangements:Fries rearrangement, Claisen rearrangement.                                                                           
UNIT-III: NEWER METHODS IN ORGANIC SYNTHESIS                       15 Hrs                                                       
Phase Transfer Catalysis: Solid-Solid, Solid-Liquid systems-Mechanism of catalytic action, types of catalysts, application in few important reactions.
Enamine Mediated Reactions: Formation, role of enamines as synthons for the synthesis of Organic Molecules.
Microwave induced reactions: Principle, conditions, advantages over conventional heating methods-Applications. 
Ionic Liquids: Definition of ionic liquid,synthesis,and its applications.

UNIT-IV:  PERICYCLIC REACTIONS  -1                                                       15 Hrs                                                                  
Molecular orbital symmetry, Frontier orbitals of ethylene, 1,3 butadiene, 1,3,5-hexatriene  and allyl system. Classification of pericyclic reactions. Woodward-Hoffmann correlation  diagrams. FMO and PMO (Mobius Huckel) approach.
Electro cyclic reactions- Conrotatory and disrotatory. 4n, 4n+2 and allyl systems.
Books Suggested
1 .Priciples of Organo metallic chemistry,p.owell.elbs.
2 .Organo transition metal chemistry-Applications to organic synthesis,S.G.DAVIS PERGMON.
3. Advanced organic chemistry,reacton mechanisms and structure J.MARCH.JOHN WILLEY.
4. Modern synthetic reactions,H.O.HOUSE,W.A.BENJAMIN.
5 .Name reactions and reagent in organic organic synthesis,B.P..MUWAY and M.G.ELLORD,JOHN WILEY.
6. Pricipleof organic synthesis,R.NORMAN and J.M.COXONj,BLACKIE Academic and professional.
7.  organic synthesis,R,E.Ireland,prentice hall.
8. Guide book to organic synthesis,R.K.Mackie and D.N.Smith,ELBS.
9. A.Text book organic chemistry I.R. FINAR.VOL-2 ,1.elbs.
10. Newer methods of Organic synthesis by V.K. Ahluwalia
UNIT–I:DESIGNING OF ORGANICSYNTHESIS-1                                                      15Hrs
Disconnection Approach: Classification of organic reactions. Functionalisation and interconversion of functional groups, formation of carbon-carbon single and double bonds, general strategy, disconnection and synthon approach, retrosynthetic analysis, key intermediates and starting materials in designing a synthesis, linear and convergent synthesis, one group C-X and two group C-X disconnections, chemoselectivity, reversal of polarity, cyclization reactions, amine synthesis.
a. Protecting Groups: Principles of protection of alcohol, amine, carbonyl and carboxyl groups.                   
b. One Group C-C Disconnections: Alcohols and carbonyl compounds, regioselectivity. Alkene synthesis, use of acetylenic compounds in organic synthesis.
c. Two Group C-C Disconnections: Diels-Alder reaction, 1,3-difunctionalised condensations, unsaturated carbonyl compounds, control in carbonyl condensations, 1,5-difunctionalised compounds,  Michael addition and Robinson annulation.                              
UNIT-II: DESIGNING   OF  ORGANICSYNTHESIS -2                                               15Hrs
a. Protecting Groups: Principles of protection of alcohol, amine, carbonyl and carboxyl groups.                   
b. One Group C-C Disconnections: Alcohols and carbonyl compounds, regioselectivity. Alkene synthesis, use of acetylenic compounds in organic synthesis.
c. Two Group C-C Disconnections: Diels-Alder reaction, 1,3-difunctionalised condensations, unsaturated carbonyl compounds, control in carbonyl condensations, 1,5-difunctionalised compounds,  Michael addition and Robinson annulation.                               
 UNIT-III: PHOTOCHEMISTRY                                                                            15 Hrs
Photochemical energy, Frank-Condon principle, Jablonski diagram, singlet and triplet states, dissipation of photochemical energy, photosensitization, quenching , quantum efficiency and quantum yield. Photochemistry of carbonyl compounds n→ Π* and Π→Π*  transitions. Norrish type-I and Norrish type-II cleavages. Paterno-Buchi reaction, Photo reduction, photochemistry of enones - hydrogen abstraction, rearrangements of α , β-unsaturated ketones and cyclo hexadienones, photochemistry of p-benzoquinones. 
Photochemistry of unsaturated systems (olefins), cis-trans isomerization, dimerization, hydrogen abstraction and additions (acetylenes )- dimerization. 
Dienes - photochemistry of 1,3-butadienes, (2+2) additions leading to cage structures, photochemistry of cyclohexadienes, photochemistry of aromatic compounds, exicited state of benzene and its 1,2-, 1,4- additions, photo substitution reactions of benzene derivatives, Photo-Fries rearrangement, photo-Fries reactions of anilides,
Photolysis of nitric esters – Hoffmann-Loeffler-Freytag reaction and Barton reaction.
UNIT-IV: PERICYCLIC REACTIONS -2                                                                       15 Hrs
Cyclo additions-antarafacial and  suprafacial additions, 4n and 4n+2 systems,  2+2 addition  of ketene, 1,3 dipolar cycloadditions and cheleotropic reactions of dienes,trienes and simple alkenes.diels alder reaction and stereochemistry and regeo chemistry of diels alder reaction.
Sigmatropic rearrangements - Suprafacial and antarafacial shifts of H, Sigmatropic shifts involving carbon moieties, 3,3 and 5,5  sigmatropic rearrangements. Claisen, Cope and Oxy-Coperearrangements, Ene reaction.
 Books Suggested
1.Designing organic synthesis.S.WARREN.WILEY. synthesis-concept,Methods,AND Starting mareials,J.FUHRHOP, and  G.Perzillin,verlage VCH.
3.Principles of organic synthesis,R.O.C.NORMAN&J.M.COXON,3rdEdition.
4.the logic of chemical synthesis,E.J.COREYand X-CHANG
5.Fundamentals of photochemistry.K.K.Raotagi-Mukhergi,Wiley-Eastern.
6. Essential of s of Molecular photochemistry,A..Gilbert, AND Jj.Baggat Blackwell scientific publications.
 7. Molecular photochemistry,N.J.TURRO,W,A,Benhamin.
8.photochemistry  R. P. Kundall and Gilbert,Thomson Nelson.
9.  Introductory photochemistry,A.COX.and T.Camp ,Mc Gra Hill.
10. Organic photochemistry, J.COXON and B.Halton,Cambridge University. chemistry,paula yurkanis Burice,printice Hall.
12. organic chemistry,L.G.,Wade,printice Hall.
13. A. Primer to mechanism in  organic chemistry,pete sykes,PSN Education.
14. Mechanism and Theory in  organic chemistry Thomas HLOwry,Addison wesly Longman.
15 . Introduction to   organic chemistry,Andrew streitwieser and Elaton H.Heath cock,Prince Hall.
16 .Advanced organic chemistry;Reactions and Mechanisms,Bernord Miller;

UNIT-I: STERIODS AND HARMONES                                                                  15Hrs
Occurrence, Nomenclature, Basic skeleton, Diel’s hydrocarbon and Sterochemistry, Isolation, structure determination and synthesis of cholesterol, Bile acids, Androsterone, Testosterone, Estrone, Progesterone, Biosynthesis of Steroids
UNIT-II: ALKALOIDS                                                                                              15Hrs
Occurrence, isolation, general methods of structure elucidation and physiological action, degradation, classification based on nitrogen heterocyclic ring, structure, stereochemistry, synthesis and biosynthesis of the following ;Atropine,Papavarine and Quinine.
UNIT-III: Peptides And Proteins                                                                                               15 Hrs
Peptides and proteins- Methods of peptide synthesis, solid phase peptide synthesis- sequence determination- N-terminal and C-terminal determination, structure of oxytocin, proteins-classification, properties, structure – primary, secondary, tertiary and quarternary –– conformation.
UNIT-IV: FLAVANOIDS AND ISOFLAVONOIDS                                                         15Hrs
Occurance, Nomenclature and general methods of structure determination, isolation and synthesis of  Apigenin,  Luteolin,  Kampferol,  Quercetin,  Butein, Daidzein, Biosynthesis of  Flavonoids and Isoflavonoids- Acetate pathway and Shikimic acid pathway, Biological importance of Flavonoids and Isoflavonoids. 

Books Suggested
1. Natural products; chemistry and Biological significance,J.Mann,R.S,Davidson,Hobbs,D.V.Bantrope and                               J.B.Harbome,Longman,Essex.
2 .organic chemistry,Vol1,2I.L.FINAR,ELBS.
3 .Stereoselective synthesis;A.Practical Approach.m.nogradi.VCH.
4.Chemistry,Biologicalandpharmacological properties of medicinal plants from Americas,.kurthostettman,M.P.Gupta and Marston,Harwood Academy publishers.
5. Introduction to FLVANOIDS,T.A,Geissman.
6. New Trends in Naturalproducts chemistry,Atta-ur-Rahman and M.I.chowdary Harwood publisher.
7. Principles of organic synthesis.R.O.C.NORMAN and J..M.COXON,ELBS.
8 .Chemistry of Natural productsP.s.Kalsi.kalyani publishers.
9 .Biosynthesis of steroids ,terpenes and acetogenins,J.H.Richardsj.r.Hendrieson.
10. The bio synthesis of secondary metabolites,R.D.Herbert,chappman and Hall.
11. Chemistry of organic Natural products,O.P.AGARWALL,VOL 1&2.GOEL Pubs.
12. Natural products of Chemistry.K.B.GTorsell.john wiley,1983
13. The biosynthesis of secondary Metabolites,R.D.Herbert,second edi chapman and Hall 1984.

UNIT-I: GREEN CHEMISTRY-I                                                               15 Hrs
Introduction,principles, atom economy and scope ,inception to greenchemistry,introduction to alternative approaches,
 solvent free reactions at room temperatures
Introduction,solvent free techniques-reactions on solid mineral supports,solid liquid phase transfer catalysts-reactions without solvent support or catalyst.
Examples  for green reactions. Hoffmann Elimination, esterification reactions, Diels alder reaction.

UNIT-II: MULTISTEP SYNTHESIS                                                                 15 Hrs
Multistep synthesis of some complex naturally occurring compounds involving through retrosynthetic analysis and control of stereochemistry: Taxol, Juvabione, Fredericamycin- A.
 UNIT-III:  NANOMATERIALS                                                                     15 Hrs
 introduction to nano particles.preperation of nano particles.a)physical|aerosol methods ,vapour condensation method  ,spray pyrolysisb)chemical methods,sol|gel,micells/reverse microemulsion method.
Characterization of nano particles using powder x-ray diffraction,scanning electron microscope and transmission electron microscope.optical and electrical properties of nano particles.
Reduced dimensionality in solids,zero dimentional systems,fullerenes,quantum dimensional systems,carbon nano tubes,electric ,mechanical and other properties of carbon nano tubes.
Applications of nanoparticles,photo catalysis,laser and light emmiting diodesoptical band gap materials.
 UNIT-IV NUCLEIC ACIDS AND NUCLEOTIDES:-                                 15 Hrs

STRUCTURE OF NUCLEOTIDES ;- adinilic acid(AMP),uridilic acid(UMP),cytidinic acid(CMP) and guanilic acid (GMP).thiaminic acid(TMP)
structure and conformation protein synthesis,replication,transcription,translationof genetic material,genetic code,gene expression,gene mutation,

Books Suggested
1.Applied chemistry-11 ,V.M.Balsaraf.
2.A.Text book organic chemistry; I.R. FINAR.VOL-2 ,1.elbs.
3.A. Lehniger; principles of biochemistry.(Worth)
5.Voet and Voet ; Biochemistry.(john wiley)
6.Green chemistry theory and practice;Paul T.Aastas.JohnC.Waner.
7.Green chemistry;An introductory text;Mike Lancaster.
8.Green Chemistry Fundamentals and Applications, Editors: Suresh C. Ameta, PhD, Rakshit Ameta, PhD, ISBN: 9781926895437
9.Green Chemsitry: Theory and Practice,  Paul T. Anastas, John C. Warner, Oxford University Press, ISBN-13 978-0-19-850698-0, first published in 1998, and new as paperback in 2000
10.Green Chemsitry:porter

TIME: 3Hours                                                                                                                      Max.Marks: 70

Answer    any   SIX  questions . Each question carries  5 marks.                       6x5 = 30 M
2     questions from unit -1
2    questions from unit -2
 2   questions from unit -3
 2   questions from unit -4

Answer  4  questions  choosing one question  from each unit .Each question carries 10 marks.
   2   questions from unit -1
   2   questions from unit -2
   2   questions from unit -3
   2   questions from unit -4

                                    (For students admitted from   2018-2020)

                   1.        Semi micro qualitative Analysis; Qualitative Analysis of a mixture containing four    
                              cations including two less common cations (viz.,W, MO, Se, Te, V, Ce, Th, Zr, L i
        and U.
     2.    Quantitative Analysis;Analysis of two component mixtures
 (The determination  involves a single component after separating the onecomponents from a two components mixture)
i)                    copper, Nickel and Zinc.                  ii)  calcium, Magnesium and iron.
iii)                Iron, Aluminium and Titanium,     iv) copper, Iron and zinc.
1.   Single step preparations.
     1)   preparation of p-nitro acetanilide,
    2)  Preparation of p-bromo acetanilide
     3)   Preparation of acetyl salicylic acid(Aspirin)
    4)   cannizaro reaction
    5)   preparation of  p-Nitro aniline
1. Determination of Eutecric composition and temperature of  binary system.
2. Study the adsorption of acetic acid on charcoal and analysis of the data on the basis of
     Langmuir and  Freundlich adsorption isotherms.
3.  Determination  of rate constant of acid hydrolysis of an ester and investigate the effect 
     of catalyst concentration, reactant concentration and temperature.
4.Preparations of Solutions.
              Second semester practical                                            Examinations
                    For students admitted from (  2018-2020)
Estimations of iIn organic compounds
i)                    Separation of  Iron and estimation of Zinc.
ii)                  Separation of  calcium  and estimation of Magnesium.
iii)                Separation of  Nickle and estimation of copper.

1)        The systematic qualitative analysis of unknown organic compound 
  2)  systematic qualitative analysis of unknown organic mixture containing two
 3)   Acid+ Neutral.  2)  Base +Neutral.  3)  phenol+ neutral,  4) Neutral +Neutral

1. Calibration of volumetric apparatus and statisticl anlysis of the data.
2. Determination of critical solution temperature of phenol –water system and study the
   effect of electrolyte on C.S.T.

3. Determination of distribution coefficient of benzoic acid between water and benzene.
4.  Determination rate constant of oxidation of iodide ion by  persulphate  ion.
5.  Conductometry:
a) Determination of cell constant.
b) verification of onsagar  equation
c)  Determination of dissociation constant of a weak acid
d) Titration of a strong acid with a strong base
e) Titration of a weak acid with a strong base
6. Potentiometry:
a) Titration of a strong acid with a strog base
b) Titration of weak acid with a strong base
c) Titration of ammonium ferrous sulphate with potassium dichromate
d)  Titration of Kcl with AgNO3

   (For the students admitted from 2018-20)

1)  Preparation of benzilic acid
2)  Preparation of benzanilide
3)  Preparation o-chloro benzoic acid
4)  Preparation of symmetric tri bromo benzene
5)  Preparation of anthrone

Isolation of caffeine in tea leaves .ß- carotin in carrots,Eugenol in cloves analysis by chromatography techniques.
1)  Estimation of phenol
2)  Estimation of glucose
3)  Estimation of primary amine
4)  Estimation of hydroxyl group
5)  Estimation of aspirin
6)  Estimation of Acetone by iodine method.
7) Estimation of ketone by oxime method.
8)  Estimation of % purity of a paracetamol.
                                                                 FOURTH SEMESTER PRACTICALS

Spectral identification organic compounds   UV, IR, NMR, and MASS

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